Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

In product development, the minimum viable product (MVP) is a product which has just enough features to gather validated learning about the product and its continued development.

The Ultimate Guide to Minimum Viable ProductsScale XLJuly 12th, 2019
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Design - Balancing Risk to Gain RewardInteraction Design FoundationJune 21st, 2019
The Art Of UX In MVPUsability GeekOctober 5th, 2015
What’s the Minimum Viable Product to Design for Success?UIESeptember 23rd, 2015
10 Innovative Approaches to Creating a Minimum Viable ProductCopybloggerJune 18th, 2015
The Tyranny of the Minimum Viable ProductUX CollectiveMarch 27th, 2015